Although it is the goal of BOS to release every orangutan back into the wild, sometimes that simply is not possible. We currently have 93 orangutans in our care that cannot be released back into their rainforest homes for various reasons, from disabilities to a lack of survival skills, etc. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t have the chance to live fulfilled lives. With your help, we want to place these orangutans on forested, sanctuary islands covered in natural vegetation, allowing them freedom from cages and the opportunity to live in a safe, rainforest environment.
One of our generous donors has kindly agreed to match donations. Please give generously to help us provide for these vulnerable orangutans. Their start to life has been challenging and painful, but together we can give them a bright future.

Islands needing repair
Islands to be Built
Total islands: 13
- £18,000 of £18,000 goal 100%
Total donations up to £18,000 will be matched in full – all donations doubled
- $32,970 of $35,000 goal 95%
Total donations up to $35,000 will be matched in full – all donations doubled
Who are the islands for
While BOS is still in the final selection process, here are three orangutans who are potential candidates for these to-be-built sanctuary islands. These orangutans have suffered through some of the hardest traumas and troubles and are in desperate need of safe, forested homes.
Select to view their profile:
How sanctuary islands have helped unreleasable orangutans
While the new batch of potential candidates for relocation to the islands awaits their new homes, meet some similar orangutans who are currently living full lives, only possible through sanctuary islands!

Double your impact with just one donation
Every donation you make will be matched up to £18,000, doubling your total gift.
Double your impact with just one donation
Every donation you make will be matched up to $35,000, doubling your total gift.
29 NOVEMBER 2023
We’re breaking new ground on building our much-needed Sanctuary Islands! In Nyaru Menteng 2, Island A is 70% completed. We are also building the mess halls for caretakers, including creating access roads. In 2024, construction is slated to begin on Island C.
29 NOVEMBER 2023
We’re breaking new ground on building our much-needed Sanctuary Islands! In Nyaru Menteng 2, Island A is 70% completed. We are also building the mess halls for caretakers, including creating access roads. In 2024, construction is slated to begin on Island C.
18 OCTOBER 2023
Thanks to YOUR support, we’ve raised over £14,000 of our £18,000 goal. Progress has been made with ground being identified, and 1 existing island to be developed and repaired into 3 islands to house more unreleasable orangutans!
18 OCTOBER 2023
Thanks to YOUR support, we’ve raised over $32,000 towards our $35,000 goal. Progress has been made with ground being identified, and 1 existing island to be developed and repaired into 3 islands to house more unreleasable orangutans!
18 AUGUST 2023
In honour of International Orangutan Day, we’re TRIPLING donations for our Sanctuary Islands campaign from 18 August – 20 August. Help us reach our goal to build and repair 13 islands combined for orangutans who cannot be safely released back into the wild with TRIPLE DONATION MATCHING for #IOD2023!
18 AUGUST 2023
In honor of International Orangutan Day, we’re TRIPLING donations for our Sanctuary Islands campaign from August 18 – August 20. Help us reach our goal to build and repair 13 islands combined for orangutans who cannot be safely released back into the wild with TRIPLE DONATION MATCHING for #IOD2023!
9 JUNE 2023
We’re thrilled to kick off our latest project to raise money for building sanctuary islands for unreleasable orangutans! Thanks to a generous donor, all donations up to £18,000 will be matched in full, doubling the total donations! As we get updates on buildings and more possible candidates for release, we’ll update this page with even more info!
9 JUNE 2023
We’re thrilled to kick off our latest project to raise money for building sanctuary islands for unreleasable orangutans! Thanks to a generous donor, all donations up to $35,000 will be matched in full, doubling the total donations! As we get updates on buildings and more possible candidates for release, we’ll update this page with even more info!
Give orangutans a future
We’re raising funds to give these unreleasable orangutans a free, happy life. Every donation you make will be matched up to £18K, doubling your total gift. Help us build these important sanctuaries for the most vulnerable in our care.
Give orangutans a future
We’re raising funds to give these unreleasable orangutans a free, happy life. Every donation you make will be matched up to $35K, doubling your total gift. Help us build these important sanctuaries for the most vulnerable in our care.

Waru was rescued from an oil palm plantation in Central Kalimantan on June 25, 2004. When we rescued him, he was without a mother, despite being only 2 years old and weighing a mere 2.4 kilograms.
Waru was initially destined to go through Forest School and be released back to the wild one day. However, it soon become clear that he was not able to interact with the other orangutans. Unfortunately for Waru, he had a number of behavioural issues that meant he would never be an appropriate candidate for release.
Waru is now 21 years old. Given his age and history, a pre-release island may not be a suitable place for Waru. Instead, a sanctuary island, where our staff can monitor him closely, is a much better fit. Please help us build a sanctuary island for Waru by making a donation today.
Alfa was confiscated from a local resident when he was 3 years old.
He initially had a chance to be returned to the wild. However, after three years of living on a pre-release island, it was clear that Alfa did not have the skills he would require to survive on his own. Further to this, medical complications for Alfa have meant that he is no longer able to live on a pre-release island.
We desperately need help to build sanctuary islands for orangutans like Alfa, who deserve to live in an environment where they are free to climb trees and explore a semi-wild habitat. Please consider giving a gift today to help us build these sanctuary islands.
Adil is a sweet girl who was rescued in 2013.
After her rescue, Adil showed immense resilience and successfully graduated from Forest School, despite starting the process at 6 years old, much later than more of her peers.
However, the odds were stacked against Adil and even though she had shown a great ability to survive on her own, it was not meant to be. It was discovered that 70% of Adil’s teeth were severely damaged and needed to be removed by our vet team. With little teeth left, it is unlikely that Adil will be able to forage enough food to sustain herself in the wild.
Adil’s best and safest future lies only on a sanctuary island. Please help us create this future for her today by making a donation to help build these sanctuary islands.
For the first four years of his life, Kopral was illegally kept in a small cage as a pet. At four years old, Kopral tried to escape his captivity. He climbed an electricity pole and was severely electrocuted when he grabbed hold of the live wires.
His ‘owners’ left him in a basket, waiting for him to die from his injuries. After a week of immense suffering, he was taken to our Samboja Lestari sanctuary where our vet team had no choice but to amputate both of Kopral’s arms due to his horrific injuries.
Kopral has shown incredible resilience in his recovery and now lives a happy and fulfilled life on one of our sanctuary islands with his close friend, Lesley.
We still have many orangutans who are waiting for their island homes. Please give generously today to help us build more islands.
Romeo had a very sad start to life, spending his days isolated and confined in a cage at a zoo in Taiwan. At age 6, Romeo was repatriated back to Indonesia and transferred to BOS to be rehabilitated. However, his journey to freedom was hindered with a positive Hepatitis B diagnosis which prevented him from joining Forest School and put him back into isolation out of necessity to protect the other orangutans in our care.
After several years of living in isolation and with some positive medical advances, Romeo was finally able to be moved to one of our sanctuary islands to live in a semi-wild environment, free from bars and cages. Romeo lives up to his name and is the King of his island, which he shares with three other female orangutans.
You can give hope to other orangutans waiting for their chance to live cage-free by making a donation today.
Before the BOS Foundation rescued him at 14 years old, Bujang was forced to work in a circus as a ‘performer’ which sadly involves cruel ‘training’ tactics including physical abuse and starvation. After his rescue, Bujang exhibited no natural behaviours, meaning that he can never return to the wild.
Thankfully, he is now able to live out his days on a special moated sanctuary island, with the freedom to roam and trees to climb.
By building more islands like Bujang’s, even more unreleasable orangutans will be able to enjoy a free and species-appropriate life. Please consider giving a gift to help us build more islands today.