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Are you passionate about saving orangutans? Do you want to help us save the species while having fun? If so, you are in the right place!

How donating to an appeal makes a real difference

Jasmine, aged 10. Raised silently for orangutans!

“I love orangutans so I am staying silent for Borneo Orangutan Survival UK.”

Anna Taylor, raised funds on a self initiated run

“My goal this summer is to train for and run a 10K race”

Jack and Max, raised by selling their toys

Jack and Max raised much needed funds selling toys in front of their home

There are many inventive ways to how you can make a big difference,
here’s some quick ideas:

Sporting activities

Game and quiz nights

Bake sales and selling items

Office competitions

Personal challenges

Get artisitc

It doesn’t stop there! Here’s how we can help with your fundraise.

Ways to raise… Funds

Climb the fundraising tree with us! Support orangutan conservation by hosting a quiz night or other event, donating as you shop, recycling your ink cartridges…these are just a few examples from our Fundraiser Guide which offers many more. There’s an option for everyone.

To learn more about joining our gang of grassroots fundraisers, click the button below.

Reforesting Crucial Orangutan Habitat in Borneo

To help us rebuild the rainforest

Purchase an item from our Amazon Wishlist

And it will be sent directly to Borneo!

Make an in-Memorium gift

Donate your artwork

Your creativity can go help us go a long way. Get in touch to find out how:

Donate your artwork

Your creativity can go help us go a long way. Get in touch to find out how:

Donate towards our ongoing efforts

Raise funds towards our appeals that benefit the orangutans and the health of their rainforests.

Are you in the food industry?

Improve your brand loyalty while helping protect orangutans
and the rainforest, at no cost.

Ways to raise… Awareness

Join us in spreading awareness amongst different communities about the value and importance of wildlife and wild habitats

Attend an event

From exquisite screenings to hiking the hills. All our events can be seen here

Add your signature to crucial pledges

Be part of the movement to save our forests and wildlife for future generations to come.

Billions of animals fall victim to the illegal wildlife trade each year, and the time to bring this cruel industry to an end is NOW.

Apply to get access to BOS webinars and educational programs

Invite BOS to your school, or community group, attend a webinar or request a lecture on issues orangutans face. Learn what BOS is doing for the survival of the species.

Apply to get access to BOS webinars and educational programs

Invite BOS to your school, or community group, attend a webinar or request a lecture on issues orangutans face. Learn what BOS is doing for the survival of the species.

Ways to raise… Hope

The only way for us to save the Bornean orangutan and their rainforest homes is to create a global movement for change. Become a part of our community and immerse yourself in wildlife conservation activities.

Hold a fundraising event

There are so many ways you can get involved and support our vital work to rescue, rehabilitate and release orangutans. Take a look at our easy to follow guide.

Receive a free information guide

Ways to Raise. Funds for orangutans and the rainforest All the advice and tips you need to hold a BOS fundraising event.

Top 10 tips

Baking tips and recipes

How to set up your goals

Much more