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Request a Restaurant Info Pack

Do you want to improve your brand loyalty while helping protect orangutans and the rainforest?

You can, and it costs you nothing.
Seriously, ZERO!

Receive a free information pack

Help protect orangutans and the rainforest with Borneo Orangutan Survival UK’s restaurant partnership program. Register here.

Information about our work and mission

What business experts and our restaurant partner’s say

How the program works

Example promotional materials from us

Request your free info pack here

  • 87% 87%

of consumers perceived that cause-related marketing enhanced the image of the business. 74% increased consumer loyalty, and 66% felt a positive impact on society.
Source: Research Gate

  • 62% 62%

of consumers who were exposed to cause-related marketing were more likely to recommend the brand to others, compared to 49% who were not exposed
Source: Cone Communications

  • 74% 74%

of consumers reported that they were more likely to purchase a product associated with a social cause than one that was not.
Source: Research Gate

How do I get the marketing materials, and what if I need more?

Once you sign up for the program we will work with you to get your initial custom materials created and sent, and when you run low on materials we are happy to send more via a simple order form. These are then made and sent to you, at no cost as well.

How do my customers contribute?
BOS UK raises money via a small voluntary donation added as a percentage or at a flat rate onto the customer’s bill that you transfer to us at regular intervals. The customer always have the option to remove it, but feedback from our existing restaurant partners is that less than 1% of customers request this.
What will my part in the partnership be?

The partnership information pack will contain several optional suggestions on how best to support our orangutan conservation work, such as showing our promotional material around your business; however, the main way will be by adding a small voluntary donation to your customer’s bill.

How much will this cost me?
The cost of the programme to your business is completely free, in fact, studies have shown that partnering your business with a charity related cause can help increase sales. Simply fill in the sign-up details and a partnership information pack will be sent to your business.

Corporate responsibility kills two birds with one stone : On the one hand, you make
the world a better place, and on the other, you get more business. Giving back is a win for everyone. Embrace your mission and values to create a giving program that will grow your brand and change the world for years to come.

Nikki Carlson
Forbes: Why Giving Back Increases Brand Loyalty

I was at a business lunch and picked up the BOS UK table card as I love animals and was so pleased to see the restaurant supports orangutan conservation. After learning more I became a supporter of the charity and revisit the restaurant regularly to give a little back to the orangutans.

Penny Sanders
Restaurant Customer

It has been such a great program for our two restaurants. Customers enjoy knowing that their
time with us gives back. With the environmental challenges facing the world, we believe our
guests return knowing that their time with us gives back to the planet and the species that we
coexist with. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t do this.

Ninai Zarach
Manicomio Restaurants – London