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At the end of July, Samboja Lestari welcomed a new arrival—a tiny sun bear cub, just around two months old, named Andre. His journey began at our rehabilitation center after he was rescued from a resident living in the industrial forest plantation of Sebulu Subdistrict, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. When Andre first arrived, his frightened eyes and fragile body told the story of his ordeal. He was handed over to the BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Agency) office, where his path to recovery and a brighter future started 

In early July, a local resident searching for wood in the heart of an industrial forest area stumbled upon a helpless sun bear cub, alone and without its mother. Rather than keeping the cub as a pet, the resident made the compassionate choice to contact the BKSDA for proper care. When Andre arrived at Samboja Lestari, fear filled his eyes. He recoiled from every human movement, avoiding contact. But there was one thing that could reach him—food. With patience and care, our dedicated sun bear team used this to gently coax him out of his enclosure, beginning his journey to trust and healing.

Dr. Muhtadin, one of our veterinarians, carefully examined Andre’s small, fragile body, which weighed less than 10 kg. Thankfully, the little cub was in good physical health—there were no wounds or signs of illness. However, the emotional scars of being separated from his mother may still linger. Understanding this, our team is fully committed to helping Andre heal and grow, with the ultimate goal of preparing him for a future where he can thrive in the wild.

Currently, Andre is being given milk, the most suitable food for his age and needs. Gradually, he is being introduced to various types of fruits as an early introduction to the larger world he will eventually explore. For now, Andre is placed in a special baby bear area, away from the activity of the technicians and the adult sun bears. In this space, he will begin learning skills to hone his survival instincts. We hope that, in the future, Andre will grow and thrive throughout his rehabilitation process at Samboja Lestari. 

Text by: Communications Team at Samboja Lestari, East Kalimantan 

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