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In June 2024, a female orangutan, Signe, was spotted once again near the Camp Nles Mamse area in Kehje Sewen Forest.

This sighting was eagerly awaited, as the last time Signe was observed was in April 2023. At that time, Signe and her baby were seen together with another male orangutan, Suluy. However, this time Signe was spotted alone with her baby, who is now estimated to be two years old.

During the latest observation, new members of our Post-Release Monitoring (PRM) Team were deployed to learn how to observe Signe and her baby. Throughout the observation, Signe and her baby engaged in various activities, such as eating shoots and young leaves. These activities indicate that they are receiving sufficient nutrition from their surroundings. Signe was also seen actively brachiating, moving gracefully from one tree to another. Her baby, who previously appeared very small, now looks healthier and plumper than the last time they were seen.

The baby clung tightly to its mother’s hair while Signe was brachiating and eating. Occasionally, the nursing baby also joined in eating what its mother was consuming. This was a truly heartwarming sight, as it shows that Signe has successfully fulfilled her role as a mother, ensuring that her baby is growing strong and healthy in the wild.

This story is a demonstration of Signe’s remarkable ability to take care of her baby with the love and skill of an extraordinary mother, even in a challenging wild environment.

Text by: PRM Team at Camp Nles Mamse, Kehje Sewen Forest, East Kalimantan.

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