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Samboja Lestari’s Forest School has one less student for the time being, as little Galaksi has been removed from the group’s activities due to a fracture in his leg. Find out what happened to him.

Galaksi was actively playing in Forest School with pals Feruza, Baimah, and Otan up until 10 February and appeared to be in good health. However, the next day, one of our surrogate mothers noticed Galaksi cry out when being handled, and his left thigh looked swollen. She also noticed that his behaviour in Forest School was quite unusual. She immediately reported Galaksi’s behaviour and symptoms so that he could receive medical attention. An X-ray later revealed a small crack in Galaksi’s left thigh bone.

The x-ray shows the small crack in Galaksi’s left thigh bone.

We cannot be sure what caused this fracture, as the surrogate mother reported that Galaksi was playing normally the day before and had not fallen whilst climbing in the trees. To help Galaksi’s recovery, our veterinary team has prescribed pain medication and will be keeping Galaksi in the Baby House for a month to limit his movement. A surrogate mother will keep a watchful eye on him, and our veterinary team will take X-rays fortnightly to check that Galaksi’s fractured left femur is healing correctly. We believe that his young age is on his side and that he will be able to make a swift recovery.

Although Galaksi cannot attend Forest School for a time, our surrogate mothers provide leaves and young twigs for him to play with and practice making nests. We are happy to report that Galaksi continues playing as if he is in no pain. His appetite has not diminished, and he still drinks lots of his favourite milk.

We can’t wait to see you playing again in Forest School, Galaksi!

If you would like to support Galaksi and his Forest School buddies, please consider adopting one of our orphans. Thank you!

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