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Great news from the smart Josh and the tenacious Telaken! Last April, they finally made their way to the pre-release island, marking a significant milestone in their journey back to the wild. Along with three other orangutans—Uru, Bawan, and Monte—they embarked on an exciting adventure to Salat Island.

Due to the low river water levels, moving was more challenging than usual. The team had to carefully navigate these conditions, ensuring the safety of the orangutans. For this reason, the release took place from a boat, a method that required precision and caution. Everything went smoothly, and the orangutans adapted well to their new environment.

When it was Josh’s turn to exit the transport cage, he suddenly slipped! Hearts raced as everyone watched, but Josh quickly regained his footing and scampered up a tree with impressive agility, showcasing his remarkable survival instincts.

After the initial excitement, things took a mysterious turn. Josh, Telaken, and Bawan seemed to vanish without a trace. The team conducted searches and observations daily, but the trio remained elusive. The first two weeks on the island are crucial for new arrivals, as it is a period where they adapt to their new surroundings, and the team closely monitors their progress. However, as the days turned into weeks and then months, there were no signs of Josh, Telaken, or Bawan. The observation data remained blank, and the team began to worry about their well-being.

Then, finally, a breakthrough came! During a routine patrol and feeding session, the team spotted Bawan at a feeding platform. He looked healthy and strong, a reassuring sight for the dedicated team. A month later, Josh and Telaken also made their grand reappearance at the feeding platform, sharing a meal with Bawan. Their return after almost 3 months of absence was a testament to their resilience and ability to adapt to the wild.

This incredible journey highlights the challenges and triumphs of reintroducing orangutans to their natural habitat. Josh, Telaken, and Bawan proved that they are capable of living independently in the wild, free from human intervention. 

Join us in supporting the incredible journey of these orangutans. Your donation can help provide them a haven on the island, ensuring they thrive in their new home. Donate now to make a difference in their lives!

Text by: Communication Team, BOS Foundation Headquarters, Bogor, West Java

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