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Donations Matched To Build Sanctuary Islands

Although it is the goal of BOS to release every orangutan back into the wild, sometimes that simply is not possible. Some orangutans, whether due to injury, inability to survive independently, or many other factors, cannot be released into the wild and so must remain in a controlled environment.

We want to place these orangutans on forested, sanctuary islands covered in natural vegetation that can accommodate several individuals, allowing them freedom from cages. The construction of these sanctuary islands includes fencing, moat-building, and other supporting safety infrastructure to ensure the safety of Samboja Lestari.

Check back regularly for updates.

Who are the islands for

While BOS is in the process of selecting final candidates for relocation to the islands, meet some similar orangutans who are currently living full lives on sanctuary islands!

Select to view their profile:






2 MAY 2023
We’re thrilled to kick off our latest project to raise money for building sanctuary islands for unreleasable orangutans! Thanks to a generous donor, all donations up to $50,000 will be matched in full, doubling the total donations! As we get updates on buildings and more possible candidates for release, we’ll update this page with even more info!

Total donations up to $50,000 will be matched in full – all donations doubled

Give orangutans a future

We’re raising funds to give these unreleasable orangutans a free, happy life. Every donation you make will be matched up to $50K, doubling your total gift. Help us build these important sanctuaries for the most vulnerable in our care.