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In collaboration to release seven orangutans into prime habitat

In collaboration to release seven orangutans into prime habitat

Amber Amber was surrendered by an oil palm plantation employee on 11 May 2006, weighing only two kilograms at the tender age of six months. Following quarantine, Amber began her rehabilitation journey in Forest School and in a matter of years graduated from this first...
Three Babies Rescued

Three Babies Rescued

7th April 2021 Three Babies Rescued Number of Orangutans The BOS Foundation has yet again been involved in more orangutan rescues in Central Kalimantan. The result has been the intake of three infant orangutans, Onyer, Ramangai, and one who has yet to be named, at the...
Our first rescue mission of 2021!

Our first rescue mission of 2021!

24th March 2021 Our first rescue mission of 2021!   At the end of January, we received a call from the Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) to assist them in rescuing an adult male orangutan, estimated to be 25+ years old, from the...
Freet, Juve and Britney: Starting Strong

Freet, Juve and Britney: Starting Strong

Britney Britney was seven years old when she was rescued from captivity in Bali in June 2000. Upon arrival at Samboja Lestari, Britney was housed inside a socialisation complex because she was physically large for her age and extremely aggressive towards the staff. To...