Where to watch
Now in the USA on the Love Nature Channel on Peacock (with episodes on-demand soon!) and in the UK on August 23rd on the Sky Nature channel 124.
Watch as these orangutans grow and explore through forest school on their journey to return home to the wild
The big problems orangutans face today
unsustainable palm oil farming
The global demand for palm oil is one of the largest drivers of deforestation in Indonesia. Be part of the movement to save our forests and wildlife for future generations to come.
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Our work
Donate towards our ongoing projects to stop the downward trajectory of Bornean orangutans and their depleting rainforests.
Follow orangutans
Raise funds with memorable experiences along the way
Support our vital work with the various ways you can help save orangutans – and have fun doing so.
We currently have seven orangutans that you can personally sponsor; four girls and three boys. When you adopt an orangutan, you get:
Quarterly updates on their individual journeys through rehabilitation
Exclusive packages and video updates
Plus other cool stuff!
And if you adopt before September 15, you can get a free 2024 calendar! (Some exclusions apply)
Leave a legacy
Forge a legacy of compassion, ensuring the vitality of orangutans thriving in protected habitats.
Our rescue center is moving
Your gift today will help us build a new home for forest school students.
Consider donating
Helping us with our on-going missions to save orangutans and their rainforest, with a donation.