Meet Bumi! Did you know his name means ‘Earth’ in English? Bumi was rescued as a newborn in grave condition, but these days he’s strong and brave.
Bumi is currently at Forest School in Nyaru Menteng. Here, he learns the skills and behaviours necessary to live a safe life back in the wild one day.

7 Years
Place in Forest School
Group 4
18 Jun 2016

Bumi loves to climb tall trees and swing from their vines with best friend Paulinus

He is a snacker and loves fresh fruit – especially bananas and melons

Bumi is in love with the forest and will throw somewhat entertaining tantrums when it’s time to return to the complex
Learn more about Bumi through regular email updates
When you adopt Bumi, you instantly become an involved part of his journey back to the wild. As Bumi’s adopter, you will receive dedicated quarterly updates and photographs – as well as a yearly unique video – detailing his individual story, struggles, and triumphs.
With your support, Bumi can continue to learn how to survive on his own so he may one day be released back into the wild.

Bumi’s Forest Adventure!
As there is only one tree in their area of Forest School with vines long enough to swing on, Bumi and his friend, Paulinus, usually take turns flying through the air. However, Bumi’s tolerance seems to have run out lately, as he has stopped sharing the vines with Paulinus. He is currently obsessed with swinging solo on the longest vine…

Bumi uses his body as a bridge to travel across the canopies

Adventurous Bumi shares a vine